Singular Computers Systems

Αγιας Φυλάξεως 54, Λεμεσός 3025

Effortless-Service-Professional! Based on these 3 factors we offer our customers satisfaction and confidence in their purchases. From the very beginning we invested in the design of our website , thus creating a very simple, fast and efficient means of web browsing. We have also managed to earn our trust and respect from both our customers and our suppliers/manufacturers, thus giving us a very reliable and trustworthy name in the European market of electronic trading. Our policy is to only negotiate with internationally known brands in the technology world and to negotiate on our customer’s behalf the finest quality at the best competitive prices.

Latest Matches
3rd Corporate Futsal Tournament Phase B
15 Oct 2023
- 2:40 pm
3CX Team B
3 2
Singular Computers Systems
3rd Corporate Futsal Tournament Phase B
15 Oct 2023
- 1:20 pm
Singular Computers Systems
2 3
Chr Kapodistrias & Sons Team A
3rd Corporate Futsal Tournament Phase B
15 Oct 2023
- 12:25 pm
Carlsberg Team B
0 11
Singular Computers Systems
3rd Corporate Futsal Tournament Phase A
7 Oct 2023
- 11:20 am
FxPro Team B
1 5
Singular Computers Systems
3rd Corporate Futsal Tournament Phase A
7 Oct 2023
- 10:25 am
BDSwiss Team A
3 2
Singular Computers Systems
3rd Corporate Futsal Tournament Phase A
7 Oct 2023
- 9:55 am
Singular Computers Systems
2 0
Squared Financial
No players in the squad
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